
The .NET SDK 4.0 or 4.5 tools could not be found.

First, my situation was that I had a brand new laptop which I had installed Windows 10 on. Next I installed Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition, full install (including support for F#).

So when I tried to compile my F# projects, I got this error:

The type provider 'Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.DesignTime.DataProviders' reported an error: The .NET SDK 4.0 or 4.5 tools could not be found.

So I found these resources:

The third one seems to be the one to read, it has several suggestions. I tried to do several of them, but what fixed it in the end for me was the suggestion in the very last post:
  • Install Windows 8 SDK.

I first had a problem installing it, it rolled back while installing, so what I think worked was to just check "Windows SDK" and ".NET 4.5 SDK" in the list of components, leaving the rest unchecked. I also tried to re-register the vbscript dll as per this post (which you may also try if it won't install):
  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19251176/error-code-2753-during-install

I also ran the script that was mentioned in the forum, just mentioning in case it may have been a part of the solution.

I also restarted my PC quite a few times.

 So what didn't work (or did not seem to):
  • Install Windows 8.1 SDK
  • Install Windows 10 SDK

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