
My Instagram Tags Collection (work in progress)


#igw_animal #natureskingdom #animal_digest #petsofinstagram #petstagram


#jaw_dropping_shots #stunning_shots #flawless_shots #instagood #all_my_own #ig_watchers #ig_captures #ig_exquisite

#jaw_dropping_shots – follow follow @jaw_dropping_shots
#stunning_shots – follow @stunning_shots
#flawless_shots – follow @flawless_shots
#instagood – follow @instagood
#all_my_own – follow @allmyown
#igw_photo – follow @ig_watchers
#ig_captures – follow @ig_captures
#ig_exquisite – follow @ig_exquisite


#thechildrenoftheworld #thepursuitofjoyproject #throughachildseyes #ig_kids #instagram_kids #childofig #kids_circle #childrenphotography

City / Urban

#ig_captures_city #citybestpics #rsa_streetview #bestofmycity_2see

Europe / World

#ig_europe #world_union #worldcaptures #world_shotz #worldplaces #worldingram

Nature / Landscape

#love_natura #landscapehunters #landscape_captures #ig_captures_nature #ig_captures_landscape


#i_love_norway #ignorway #bestofnorway #beautifulnorway #visitnorway #our_amazing_norway #wu_norway #instasfromnorway #igofnorway #life_in_norway #scanshots

Sky / Clouds

#rebel_sky #cloud_skye #cloudonthehorizon #cloudwhisperers #rsa_sky


#fairytale_sunset #sunrise_sunsets_aroundworld #sunsetsniper #all_sunsets #ig_sunsetshots #sendmeyoursunset


#mytravelgram #ourtravelgram #globe_travel #travelgram #travelingram


Problem with Windows Live Photo Gallery not detecting iPhone 4

I am facing an issue which is that my iPhone 4 is not detected by Windows Live Photo Gallery. Well, sometimes it is showing up and sometimes not.

My computer is running Windows 7 Professional.

I normally connect my phone before I log on to my computer, sometimes even before I turn it on. Not sure if that makes any difference.

When I attach my iPhone, iTunes runs the long lasting process of syncronizing and backing up my phone, so attaching and detaching the phone to see if that helps gets tedious, especially since it seems that iTunes takes posession of the phone and blocks all other programs while the backup is in process, and I must wait for it to finish each time.

Sometimes it does help to detach and attach the phone though, but as I said, it’s a tedious process. There must be a better way!


Generic Cache Helper

I have written a generic Cache Helper which adds new methods to any object of type T which will add the object to either the global (application) or user (session) cache. It uses the HttpContext.Current.Cache underneath.

Example on how to use the class:

public MyType GetMyObject()
     MyType myObject;
     if(CacheHelper.TryGetFromCache(“key”, out myObject))
          return myObject;
     //fetch/create a new object, then cache it and return it
     myObject = CreateNewMyObject();
     return myObject;

Here’s the code for the Cache Helper:

public static class CacheHelper
    public static void AddToSessionCache<T>(this T item, string key) where T : class

        HttpContext.Current.Session.Add(key, item);
    public static void AddToApplicationCache<T>(this T item, string key) where T : class
        AddToApplicationCache(item, key, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, null);

     public static void AddToApplicationCache<T>(this T item, string key, TimeSpan slidingExpiration) where T : class
        AddToApplicationCache(item, key, slidingExpiration, null);

    public static void AddToApplicationCache<T>(this T item, string key, TimeSpan slidingExpiration, CacheDependency dependency) where T : class
         HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add(key, item, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, slidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Normal, null);

     public static bool TryGetFromCache<T>(string key, out T item) where T : class
         if (HttpContext.Current.Session[key] != null)
             item = HttpContext.Current.Session[key] as T;
             return true;
         if (HttpContext.Current.Cache[key] != null)
             item = HttpContext.Current.Cache[key] as T;
             return true;
         item = null;
         return false;

Please use as you will, and at your own risk.