
Installing Windows Phone 7 CTP on Windows XP

Source: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/windowsphone7series/thread/6657c1ff-45a6-466a-b20d-f5640e3f0c1f/

Thanks to Oran Dennison for this solution.

Please be awear that Microsoft does not support running the Windows Phone 7 CTP Tools on Windows XP. I found this solution, and I am using it at my own risk, as should you.

Workaround for installing Windows Phone 7 CTP on Windows XP:

1.Download the Windows Phone Developer Tools CTP Refresh from here: developer.windowsphone.com 
2.Extract the contents of the setup package by running vm_web.exe /x and choosing a path to extract to
3.Go to the folder you extracted to in step 2 and open the file baseline.dat in notepad
4.Look for the section named [gencomp7788]
5.Change the value InstallOnLHS from 1 to 0
6.Change the value InstallOnWinXP from 1 to 0
7.Save and close baseline.dat
8.Run setup.exe /web from the folder you extracted to in step 2