
Are you mocking me?

I am learning to mock :D. I understand the principle, that you can write your unit tests without any finished methods or data sources (sometimes referred to as TDD). So just looking for nice places to start with Moq. Found a couple of nice links so far:




Getting started with S#arp Architecture

I am trying to get started with S#arp Architecture, and I found some nice (short) videos at Dime Casts.NET:

Introdction to S#arp Architecture

Another look at Sharp Architecture- Validation, Design Decisions and Automapping

Taking a look at how to modify the T4 templates used by Sharp Architecture

I’ll be looking at them and creating my own test project. Should be good :)

There should also be a good Northwind example available with the downloads from Google Code.


Microsoft laying off 12 people in Norway

A sad day when even MS has to start downsizing: http://www.digi.no/812605/microsoft-norge-maa-nedbemanne (Norwegian). Good luck to the twelve people laid off in Norway, and to their families.


TSQL: Checking if an ID is in a Comma Separated String

Ok, so the scenario is that we have a list of IDs, maybe from a checkboxlist, and we want to get the records that match those IDs from a table. So for the sake of this example, I just assume that the list of IDs is passed to my stored procedure as a varchar(8000) string. Using Northwind as an example database, heres an example of how an SP that gets products could look like:

@ListOfProductsAsCSVString varchar(8000)


SET @ListOfProductsAsCSVString = ',' + @ListOfProductsAsCSVString + ',';

SELECT ProductID, ProductName FROM Products
WHERE CHARINDEX(',' + CAST(ProductID as varchar(10)) + ',', @ListOfProductsAsCSVString ) > 0;

So what I do is to first append a comma before and after the CSV-list. This is because I need to search for somthing that starts with a comma and ends with a comma, and usually a CSV-list doesn’t have a comma before the first element or after the last one. Then, in my select, I search using the CHARINDEX function for the ProductID prefixed and postfixed by a comma.

Now, please be aware that this could lead to a possible SQL Injection attack, if you use this procedure uncritically without validating the input before passing it to this stored procedure, so use with caution.


FileUpload for ASP.NET MVC 1.0

I worked my way through the free Nerd Dinner chapter from ASP.NET MVC 1.0, creating my own web from the example. My web is a Food Recipe application where one can search among 7000 recipes on words in the title or ingredients.

The web should also be able to have pictures of the food, so I needed to do some file uploading, and so I found Scott Hanselman’s article http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ABackToBasicsCaseStudyImplementingHTTPFileUploadWithASPNETMVCIncludingTestsAndMocks.aspx. I copied some of his code, and put the parts I needed into this function (the definition of the ViewDataUploadFilesResult class is in Scott’s article):

private List<ViewDataUploadFilesResult> uploadFiles()
    var r = new List<ViewDataUploadFilesResult>();

    foreach (string file in Request.Files)
        HttpPostedFileBase hpf = Request.Files[file] as HttpPostedFileBase;
        if (hpf.ContentLength == 0)
        string savedFileName = Path.Combine(

        r.Add(new ViewDataUploadFilesResult()
            Name = savedFileName,
            Length = hpf.ContentLength
    return r;

Now, from before I had an Edit-action for the posting of my Edit View in my Controller, and from this I called the function above, as hown in the following code:

public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection collection)
        var recipe = recipeRepository.GetRecipe(id);
        recipe.RecipeDescription = Request.Form["RecipeDescription"];

// code removed for brevity

        List<ViewDataUploadFilesResult> fileUploaded = uploadFiles();

        if (fileUploaded.Count > 0)
            recipe.RecipePictureUrl = Path.GetFileName(fileUploaded[0].Name);

        return RedirectToAction("Index");
        return View();

I also had to make some changes to my View:

First, I had to add an “enctype” to the form element. This is done like this with the Html-helper class:

<% using (Html.BeginForm("Edit", "<EntityController>", null, FormMethod.Post, new { @enctype = "multipart/form-data" })) {%>

Second, to be able to use a FileOpen dialog, I had to add an attribute to the text box for entering the file name. In plain old ASP/Html, you would use:

<input type=”file”>

And that is also what we need to do here, except we need to use the Html-helper class like this:

<%= Html.TextBox("RecipePictureUrl", Model.RecipePictureUrl, new { @type = "file" }) %>