If you have problems creating a connection string, here’s an old trick:
1. Create a text file and call it for instance test.udl. It’s the file type (extension) that’s important.
2. Click (double-click) on the file to open it. A “Data Link Properties” dialog box will open.
3. Select the provider you want from the first tab. Click “Next”.
4. Select or type the name of the server.
5. Provide username and password.
6. Select database. This will only be possible if the parameters provided above are correct.
7. Check “Allow saving passwords”.
8. Click the “Test Connection”. If you get a message box saying the test was successful, proceed to the next step.
9. Close the Data Link Properties.
10. Hold shift down while right clicking on the UDL-file, then select “Open with”, then select “Notepad”.
Voila! You now have your connection string to be copied and used in your application.