How to handle transactions using ASP.NET 2.0 and SqlClient. Nice article here.
Well.. here it is... my BLOG! Started out being mostly used for dropping bookmarks - links to good sites relating to my current interests. Now even with some code samples and comments about interesting pages.
Serialization of IDictionary objects
By design, objects that implement IDictionary (Hashtable, SortedList, ListDictionary, or HybridDictionary) cannot be serialized. This Q&A describes a way of making these objects serializable by using (a "hidden hook"), and implementing IXmlSerializable:
Using SQL Server 2005 XML and CROSS APPLY
In my last blog entry, I used the UNPIVOT operator to get a table with products from an XML type column which were displayed as columns, to display the columns as rows. As fun as that was, it was not really a practical approach, more a way of showing how the UNPIVOT operator works.
To get a similar result, without using UNPIVOT, using in stead the values() function with the CROSS APPLY operator, we could use this query:
col.value('Name[1]', 'nvarchar(50)') AS ProductName
FROM Contract
CROSS APPLY contractXML.nodes('Contract/Order/OrderItem') AS x(col)
This could give a table like this if there were only one contract in the table with ContractNumber = 1:
ContractNumber | ProductName |
1 | Product 1 |
1 | Product 1 |
1 | Product 2 |
The nodes() function returns a table "x" with one column "col".
The CROSS APPLY operator joins the result from a table-valued function with the result of an "ordinary" query. This is like a LEFT JOIN, only against a table returned by a function in stead of another table.